Paper Bombs
Paper Bombs or leaflets are the "ordinance of psychological warefare, the purpose of which is to instill paralytic fear that will severely reduce and enemy's fighting capabilities". This is a form of non-art art that delivers staight forward messages.
Example 1:
Bullet Bill
Super Mario Bros Team
The image of a bullet came to mind after reading Paper Bombs because of a refence made in the text that reads, "a leaflet is just as fomidable as a bullet of missle". This statement is quite powerful. The bullet has everything to do with it being a bullet and nothing to do with Mario regarding the text except the fact that I'm in love with Mario.
Example 2:
James Rosenquist
This painting F-111 immediatly crossed my mind when I read the text. Not because there is a signifigant relationship between the two but simply because I recalled the mushroom cloud within this enormous painintg. The mushroom cloud links back to the original texts regarding the idea of warfare and a time of battle.